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News & Events

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Upcoming Special Events

See the News & Events menu in the right-hand column for Special Events, and the Calendar for a complete listing

Ongoing Special Online Programs During COVID-19

Zoom in My Room - Tuesday Group Conversation

After participating in the Zoom ritual services that CBE is offering, Robyn realized that as much as she enjoyed the services spiritually, she really just enjoyed seeing faces, many faces, a group of faces. So she decided to launch a Zoom group called “Zoom in my Room - Group Conversation." Bring a cup of coffee, a sparkling beverage or just yourself and let's have a get together, share a funny story, share a good idea or just smile. We all need contact with others.

Pozez JCC Widow/Widower Support Group
  • Monthly, Tuesdays at 5:15 PM
  • Led by Dr. Rebecca Fleischer
  • Please contact Shari Berman at for the registration link.

This monthly program, organized by the Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia and hosted by Congregation Beth Emeth, will be meeting online through Zoom while in-person meetings are not possible. (As of November 2021, we are meeting in person again!) This free support group is open to anyone who has recently and not-so-recently lost a husband, wife or partner. Join us for an open forum frank discussion with a focus on grief, bereavement and continuing on after great loss.

Chug Ivri: Hebrew Conversation

Chug Ivri button image

  • 2nd & 4th Monday, 8:00 PM (7:30 when in person)
  • Intermediate conversation level and above
  • If interested, contact

A very informal, friendly group of mostly Beth Emeth members who meet for friendly conversation, usually in homes twice a month, but currently alternating between "meeting" on Zoom and in person (vaccinated only). While members come and go, the group has been in existence for over 20 years. During this time of meeting remotely is a great chance to check us out! 

Other News

Volunteers Needed for In-Person Services

Can you Volunteer to be a Greeter, Usher, Screener or "Zoom Gabbai" at in-person worship services? Each role is carefully planned to maintain distance and maximize safety. Role descriptions and signups are at If you have questions or prefer not to sign up online, please contact

Our Gift Shop is Online (or by appointment) 

Shop Online Today

You can now purchase all things Hanukkah as well as many gifts and other Judaica online! Watch for additional merchandise, being uploaded daily! Items ordered online can be picked up at the synagogue, and if you are not able to pick up we may be able deliver locally or ship. We are also available in the shop by appointment if you would like to check out the items or have a consultation -- please email for an appointment; 

Online Logins & Profiles – Important Reminders

  • If you are logging into Shulcloud for the first time, please use the member access instructions to update your login (all members already have an account), and be sure to use the email address that received the email login invitation; that's what we have on file for you. If you aren't sure which email address to use, contact
  • We need your help to confirm your profile information, yahrzeits, etc. and fill in the blanks! The most frequently-used areas are listed on the same page, with brief instructions.

Community News & Events

Check for community events.

The Closet of Greater Herndon is Open

Now Open for Donations, Shopping and Volunteers

New Volunteer Signup- The Closet Needs YOU!

The Closet has suspended "congregation days" for volunteering at the store for the time being due to COVID-19. However the store is open and volunteers are still needed. Many safety measures have been implemented to keep volunteers and clients safe.

The Closet has started to use a Signup Genius to help volunteers pick times you would like to come in. In addition, volunteers are always welcome to just show up. High school and middle school kids looking for volunteer hours - the typical job is hanging clothing or putting merchandise out on the floor. 

And don't forget to donate and shop at The Closet, too! More information is at

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784