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Audio of Services

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Quick Links: 

Friday Night Service - Kabbalat Shabbat and Erev Shabbat ● Psukei D'Zimra (first part of Shabbat morning service) ● Shacharit for Shabbat ● Musaf Service ● Hallel ● Torah Service ● Gabbai calling phrases See Gabbai Resources page ● Torah Aliyah Blessings ● Torah Trope ● Haftarah Trope ● Weekday Shacharit ● High Holiday Melodies and Torah Trope ● Additional Resources

Yes, there are many sites with recordings of Shabbat services, but these are the "minhag" -- customs -- we use most of the time at Congregation Beth Emeth. Click on the file name, which will call up an audio program on a new page, or open your default audio player and then play the audio file you chose. Interested in more hands-on learning? The Ritual Committee can help you find a tutor.

Friday Night Service
Kabbalat Shabbat and Erev Shabbat

Recordings: (Former) Rabbi Michelle "Mina" Goldsmith

NOTE: In the Erev Shabbat Booklet, fuller versions of some prayers are on pages 48-58.

Prayer Erev Shabbat
Booklet Page
Siddur Lev Shalem
Candle Lighting 2 4 or 5
Mah Tovu (Folk song) 1 101
Hinei Mah Tov (Folk song) 1 82
Hinei Mah Tov (Hebrew and English) 1 82
Hinei Mah Tov (Dance melody) 1 82
Bim Bam (Nahum Frankel melody) 1 n/a
Sholom Aleichem (Samuel Goldfarb melody) 4 5
Sholom Aleichem (Zim melody) 4 5
Sholom Aleichem 4 5

L’chu Neranena (Psalm 95)

5 11
L’chu Neranena (Psalm 95, 2nd melody) 5 11
Shiru Ladonai (Psalm 96 - Carlebach) 5 13
Shiru Ladonai (Psalm 96 - Nava Tehillah) 5 13
Yism’chu (end of Psalm 96 - Chassidic) 5 14
Or Zarua (end of Psalm 97) 6 16
Or Zarua (end of Psalm 97 - 2nd melody) 6 16
Romemu (end of Psalm 99) 7 20
Havu Ladonai (Psalm 29) 8 21
Lecha Dodi (Folk Tune) 9 23-25
Lecha Dodi (Lullaby) 9 23-25
Lecha Dodi (Percussive) 9 23-25
Lecha Dodi (Taubman melody) 9 23-25
Lecha Dodi (Upbeat traditional) 9 23-25
Mizmor Shir (Shabbat psalm, Psalm 92, traditional) 10 27
Tzaddik Katamar (coming soon) 10 28
Mourner's Kaddish  n/a 30
Bar’chu 11 39a or 39b
Ma'ariv Aravim 11 39a or 39b
Ahavat Olam 12 40
Ahavat Olam (Friedman melody) 12 40
Shema and V'ahavta 13 41
Mi Kamocha (Friedman melody adapted) 16 44
Hashkivenu (Mashup) 17 45
Hashkivenu (Nichols melody) 17 45
Hashkivenu (Taubman melody adapted) 17 45
Veshamru (Traditional) 18 46
Veshamru (Alternate quick) 18 46
Hatzi Kaddish (coming soon) 19 46
Oseh Shalom (coming soon) 28 52
Vayechulu 29 53
Koneh Ha-kol 29 53
Magen Avot 30 53
Eloheinu 31 54
Kaddish Shalem 33-34 54
Shabbat Kiddush 35 55
Aleynu (First paragraph) 37 56-57
Aleynu (Ending second paragraph) 38 56-57
Aleynu (Complete second paragraph) 38 56-57
Mourner’s Kaddish 39-40 58
Lo Yisa Goy 41 82
Mah Yafeh Hayom 41 n/a
Sim Shalom (coming soon) 42 165
Am Yisrael Chai (Carlebach melody) 42 n/a
Am Yisrael Chai (Rabbi Seymour Rockoff melody) 42 n/a
David Melekh Yisrael 42 82
Ki Eshm’rah Shabbat 42 61
Yigdal 44 62


Psukei D'Zimra
(first part of Shabbat morning service)

Recordings: David Cerny

Prayer Siddur
Lev Shalem
Siddur Sim Shalom
MaTovu 101 61
Prayers for Body and Soul 99 63
Birkot haShachar 103 - 104 65
Penitential Prayer 105 - 106 66 - 67
Devotional texts 107 - 110 68 - 70
Kaddish d'Rabbanan 111 71
Psalm for Shabbat 112 72
Psalm 30 120 81
Mourners Kaddish 121 82
Baruch she'Amar 122 83
David's Prayer 123 - top of 125 84 - 85
Anthology of Psalm Verses 125 - 1266 86
Psalm 19 127 87
Psalm 34 128 88
Psalm 90 129 89
Psalm 91 130 90
Psalm 135 131 91
Psalm 136 132 92
Psalm 33 133 93
Psalm 92 134 94
Psalm 93 134 95
God's Sovereignty 135 95
Ashrei 137 96 - 97
Psalm 146 137 97
Psalm 147 138 98
Psalm 148 139 99
Psalm 149 140 100
Psalm 150 141 100
David's Final Prayer 142 101
Intro to Song of the Sea 143 102
Song at the Sea 143 - 144 102 - 103
Ki l'Adonai 144 103
Nishmat 145 - 146 104 - 105
Final P'sukei Paragraph 147 105


Shacharit for Shabbat

Recordings: David Cerny

Prayer Siddur
Lev Shalem
Siddur Sim Shalom
Shochen Ad 147 105
Yishtabach 148 106
Chatzi Kaddish 148 106
Bar'chu 149 107
First B'racha before Shema 150 107
El Adon 151 108
God who ceased work 152 109
Kedushah D'Yotzer 153 110
Ahavah Rabah 154 111
Shema 155 112
Tzitzit Prayer 156 112-3
Redemption 156-8 113-4
Amidah 159-160 115b
Kedushah 161 116
Kaddish Shalem 167 138



Recordings: David Cerny

Prayer Siddur
Lev Shalem
Siddur Sim Shalom
Hallel B'racha                    316 133
Hallel B'racha 316 133
Psalm 113 316 133
Psalm 114 316 133
Psalm 115 317 134
Psalm 116 318 135
Psalm 117-118 319-320 136
End of Psalm 118 320 137
End of Hallel 321 137


Torah Service

Recordings: Gwen Sloan

Prayer Siddur
Lev Shalem
Siddur Sim
Shalom Page
Ein Kamocha 168 139
Vayhi Binsoa 168 139
Bei Ana Rachetz 170 140
Shema Through L'cha Adonai 171 141
Romemu Second Torah Procession NA NA
Torah Aliyah Blessings 172 142
Blessing Before Haftarah 175 146
Blessing After Haftarah 1 175 147
Blessing After Haftarah 2 175 147
Blessing After Haftarah 3 175 147
Blessing After Haftarah 4 175 147
Prayer For Israel 178 149
Ashrei 181-2 151-2
Y'hallelu 183 153
Mizmor l'David 183 153
Etz Chaim 184 154
Etz Chaim Alternate Melody 184 154
Hatzi Kaddish 184 155


Gabbai calling phrases

See the Gabbai Resources page

Torah Trope

Recordings: Gwen Sloan. Also see Trope Sheet (pdf).
Don't forget to check out the photo of your reading in our Torah so you won't be surprised if the format differs from the Tikkun!

Haftarah Trope

Recordings: Gwen Sloan. Also see Trope Sheet (pdf).

Musaf Service

Recordings: Gwen Sloan

Prayer Siddur
Lev Shalem
Siddur Sim
Shalom Page
Musaf Amidah Avot V'Imachot 185 156
Amidah Gevurot 186 156
Kedushah 187 157
Kaddish Shalem 203 181
Ein Keilohenu 204 182
Ein Keilohenu Alternate Melody 204 182
Aleinu 205 183
Adon Olam Traditional No Repeats 211 187
Adon Olam Alternate Echo Melody 211 187
Adon Olam Alternate Upbeat Melody 211 187


Weekday Shacharit

Recordings: (Former) Rabbi Michelle "Mina" Goldsmith
All page numbers refer to Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays

Prayer Page (Sim Shalom
for Weekdays)
Birkhot Hashahar - weekday pg. 6 6
Weekday page 7 7
Weekday pages 8-12 8
Psalm 30 page 14 14
Barukh Sh-amar page 16 16
Weekday pages 17-19 17
Weekday Hoshiah bottom of page 19 19
Psalm 100 weekday page 20 20
Weekday bottom page 20 20
Adhrei weekday pgs. 21-22 21
Psalm 146 weekday bottom of page 22 22
Psalm 147 weekday page 23 23
Psalm 148 weekday page 24 24
Psalm 149 weekday page 25 25
Psalm 150 weekday page 25 25a
Excerpts from Psalms weekday bottom page 25 25b
Weekday pages 26-top of 27 26
Ki Ladonai weekday 28 28
Weekday Az Yashir pages 28-top of 29 28
Weekday Hatzi Kaddish page 29 29
Yishtabach weekday page 29 29
Titbarach through Kulam Ahuvim weekday page 31 30
Weekday Barchu page 30 30
Weekday Yotzer Or spoken page 30 30
Yotzer Or weekday chanted page 30 30
Or Hadash weekday bottom of page 31 31
Weekday Vhavienu bottom of page 32 32
Shema weekday page 33 33
Emet vyatziv through emet Sh-atah weekday page 34 34
Adonai Eloheichem emet weekday page 34 34
Ezrat Avoteinu weekday top of page 35 35
Mi Kamocha and Tzur Yisrael weekday page 35 35
Weekday Amidah page 36b 36
Weekday Kedushah page 37 37
Weekday Amidah page 47 & 64 47
Avinu Malkeinu weekday page 63 63
Ozreinu concluding Tahanun weekday page 63 63
Shomer Yisrael weekday page 63 63
Ashrei weekday pages 78-79 78
Psalm 20 weekday page 79 79
Uva lTzion pages 80-81 80
Kaddish Shalem weekday page 82 82
Weekday Sunday Psalm of the Day page 85 85
Weekday Psalm for Rosh Hodesh page 91 91
Elohai Nshamah - Debbie Friedman melody TBD
Kaddish Drabanan TBD
Mourners Kaddish TBD
Asher Yatzar - Debbie Friedman melody TBD


High Holidays 

Click on the file name to call up an audio program on a new page and play your chosen audio file.  

High Holidays (HHD) – Common Prayers

Recordings: Rabbi Michelle "Mina" Goldsmith

High Holiday Torah Trope

Recordings: Suzanne Goldlust

High Holy Day Torah Readings in HHD Trope  - on the Website of Congregation Agudas Achim, Austin, TX; scroll down to the High Holiday section

Additional Resources

  • This directory of Nusach sites has links to many sites with recordings of liturgical music for every type of worship service or occasion. Their High Holiday page may be handy.
  • Our Online Learning page has links to additional resources that may interest you if you are learning to lead—or participate in—worship services.
  • Order your own Siddur Lev Shalem here. (you can also donate one or more siddurim to the synagogue and dedicate them as desired.)
Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785