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Megan's Muse

Quick Links: 2024 Submissions · Past Winners · About Megan 

An Annual Creative Arts Competition for Chai School Students to Honor the Life of Megan Miriam Berman 

Megan's Muse is an annual creative arts competition for current Congregation Beth Emeth (CBE) Chai School students, sponsored by CBE's Sisterhood. Its purpose is to stimulate creative thought and expression as inspired by Judaic writings.

Each year a "theme" is chosen by a panel of judges, and a quote or verse is chosen from traditional or non-traditional Jewish writings. Entries are judged by the Chai School students' ability to convey their understanding and interpretation of the theme via a creative medium.

The winner was announced at Confirmation, May 31, 2024. The winners of Megan’s Muse receive a cash award, and the judges have the option to award additional prizes as warranted. The hope of Sisterhood is that the winner(s) will use this award to further enrich themselves spiritually, creatively, or academically. You can view the competition rules and application.

Theme 2024

He will judge among the nations
And arbitrate for many peoples,
And they shall beat their swords into plow shares
And their spears into pruning hooks:
Nation shall not take up sword against nation;
They shall never again know war.
                                            -- Isaiah 2:4

In the Crossfire 

Viviane Zides


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 Lean on Me - Bela Alliker

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The Importance of Dancing in the Rain
Emma Diamond

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Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785