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Contributions to Funds

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Making donations to Beth Emeth’s Board-Designated congregational funds is a mitzvah. It’s easy to do and is a wonderful way to celebrate a family milestone, honor joyous occasions, recognize deserving individuals and remember your loved ones. You can make contributions for any amount to the General Fund, or to any of the following targeted funds. All donations are published in the Shofar unless anonymity is requested. A minimum donation of $18 is necessary if you would like an acknowledgement card sent.

To make a contribution, use the links below to donate (or charge to your member account) online, or complete this form and return it with your check to Congregation Beth Emeth, 12523 Lawyers Road Herndon, VA 20171, or drop it off in the main office. If you donate online, please add a note if you would like your contribution to be anonymous.

Board-Designated Congregational Funds

Acts of Loving Kindness Fund (Donate online)
Provides assistance to congregants and the community during times of need and for emergencies; overseen by the Social Action & Community Relations Committee.

Adult Program Fund (Donate online)
Provides funding for adult education classes, lectures and programs held at the synagogue.

BEECC Families-in-Crisis Fund (Donate online)
Provides limited BEECC tuition assistance to families in crisis.

Building Fund (Donate online)
Supplements the synagogue's budget to pay off the mortgage and to support and maintain the operations of the building.

Ebstein-Magun Israel Quest Fund (Donate online)
Grants a nominal subsidy to synagogue teenagers traveling to Israel as part of the community-wide, multi-year Israel Quest program.

Faye Gottlieb Cascio Education Fund (Donate online)
Sustains the Hebrew school's operations and events.

General Fund (Donate online)
Contributions go into the synagogue's general budget and fund operations.

Keruv (Outreach) Fund (Donate online)
Used to sponsor Interfaith and Outreach programming.

Kitchen Fund (Donate online)
Assists with purchase of equipment for the kitchen.

Library Fund (Donate online)
Provides for the purchase of books, magazines and library supplies.

Marilyn Rosenberg Memorial Fund (Donate online)
Provides support for congregants who have been diagnosed with cancer.

Megan Miriam Berman Youth Fund (Donate online)
Provides financial assistance to eligible CBE youth who participate in Regional and International programs sponsored by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ).

Milton Weiner Scholar-in-Residence Fund (Donate online)
Used to sponsor scholarly and artistic programs.

Oneg/Kiddush Fund (Donate online)
Supports the weekly oneg Shabbat and kiddush.

Paula Comer Slavsky BEECC Fund (Donate online)
Benefits the Beth Emeth preschool programs.

Prayer Book Fund (To donate online, use link for each book)
Underwrites costs of buying new Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals, Etz Hayim Chumash and High Holiday Mahzor Lev Shalem. (You can also purchase these books for congregational use, and specify your dedication in the front of each book, using these links, on our Prayerbook Order Page)

President's Discretionary Fund (Donate online)
Used by the President for his/her synagogue-related obligations.

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund (Donate online)
Allows the Rabbi to disburse funds for tzedakah, important causes and professional commitments.

Rabbi Steve and Andrea Glazer Eldercare Assistance Fund (Donate online)
Helps senior members and parents of members of Beth Emeth with expenses including scholarships for day programs with an emphasis on those with dementia type diseases, support for care givers, financial aid to meet medication costs or medical equipment needs, etc. 

Religious Articles Fund (Donate online)
Pays for the religious articles used during services and rituals.

Rubel Memorial Fund (Donate online)
Provides for maintenance and upkeep of the atrium landscape and grounds.

Scholarship Fund (Donate online)
Assists families who may need help with Religious School tuition and fees.

Security Fund (Donate online)
Funds security upgrades, staffing and related training.

Sisterhood Camp Cash Fund (Online link coming soon)​​​​​​​
Sisterhood fund to help defray the cost of Jewish camping and Israel experiences for the children of Sisterhood members.

Sisterhood Megan's Muse Fund (Donate online)​​​​​​​
Sisterhood fund supporting the annual creative arts competition for CBE confirmation students to honor the life of Megan Miriam Berman z"l. 

Torah Fund (Donate online)​​​​​​​
Designed to provide for the purchase of a new Torah and repairs on existing Torahs.

Torah-for-Tots Fund (Donate online)​​​​​​​
Provides for the resource material and equipment for this Shabbat program.

​​​​​​​Zelman Cantorial Fund (Donate online)​​​​​​​
Provide financial support to contract with personnel for the High Holidays and other times during the year to lead services.

Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785