Special Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 3, 2023 • 20 Kislev 5784
2:00 PM - 4:00 PMSanctuaryMembers' votes are needed to adopt the new governing documents for Beth Emeth that have been developed by a hard-working task force, approved by the Board, and discussed and modified at several congregational forums.
Members are asked to RSVP to attend in person, and are REQUIRED to register for Zoom participation, by noon on Friday, December 1. For details and RSVP/registration, log into your CBE ShulCloud account and click on the “Constitution Update” tile (on the MyCBE page). While all members are welcome to attend, honorary, associate, & alumni members are not eligible to vote.
An activity for K-7th graders is planned for the same time, so bring the kids and come on down!
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