B'nai Mitzvah Planning Guide
B'nai Mitzvah Planning Guide
All the information, forms, templates and resources you need to plan your simcha, including reference sheets that you can share with your family, guests and service participants as appropriate.
Planning Guide
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Information and Guidelines (Being updated: please contact B'nai Mitzvah coordinator).
CBE Bar/Bat Mitzvah Contacts (rev Nov 2023)
(Attachments to Planning Guide, by corresponding section number)
2. Eligibility Requirements
4. Ushering Policy
5. Shabbat Observance
7. Seudat Mitzvah Policy (NOTE: these are being updated; contact Food Service)
Facilities Rental -- Contact Food Service
9. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training
11. Worship Service -- Family Participation/Honors
Honors Worksheets
1-Torah Shabbat (rev 11/1/2023)
2-Torah Shabbat (being updated)
3-Torah Shabbat (being updated)
Rosh Chodesh (being updated)
12. Parents' Prayer
13. Torah Readings
14. Brochures, Kippot, Flowers, Tree of Life Contribution, Shofar Article Questionnaire
CBE's stained glass windows (graphics to use on brochure if desired)
Mitzvah Projects page on the CBE Website (disabled, as no current projects have been submitted.)
17. Project Mishpacha
Thu, October 10 2024
8 Tishrei 5785